Is it easy to earn money from businesses?

It’s a win-win situation because you get to earn some extra cash while helping other businesses grow!4 min

58 shares, 50 points

What if a business needs your help and you help them wisely in your spare time? In return, you will get the opportunity to make some real bucks from that business.

It’s a win-win situation because you get to earn some extra cash while helping other businesses grow!

Yes, it's quite easy. It is made possible with Digital WorkerBees.

Let me explain how it works:

  1. For example, if You opened a new cake shop for your business or startup, You need crowd supports to build your business, basically, you will set up a website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter profiles/pages, etc.
  2. To get your first order you must have a good portfolio, likes comments, and user engagement.
  3. Without SEO or User engagement, it's really hard to get your first order.
  4. You may need some people around your location or worldwide to promote your business, so you can make more awareness for your business.

Now let me talk about the Digital WorkerBees platform, Learn how it can help you in this case!

For your business you need Social media engagement from a number of users, if you go to any specific marketing agency, they may charge you 20K INR monthly and the Charge for running ads will take around 20K–25K INR per month. But as a beginner, you cannot spend that much money as it is your startup.

Digital WorkerBees is a customized micro-tasking platform made for you! It works on the Employer-Worker model.

You can post your requirements with a decided price per worker, and what you want people to do for you, and just write simple steps, Other users of the platform will read your steps and perform your task whether they are technical persons or non-technical, simple steps of instructions will work for everyone.

To ensure work quality, you can ask them to submit some proofs so you can verify that the work was done correctly.

In return, they will earn the decided amount for spending their time and effort to complete your task.

It's quite simple right?

You can relate such scenarios, and post any job on the platform to get your work done at affordable prices.

What you can do with Digital WorkerBees MarketPlace?

1) Become an Employer:

- Select your audience geo-location-wise

- Post a job

- Hire X number of people from the platform to get your work

(Get your work done with the help of a crowdsourcing concept at affordable prices)

2) Become a worker:

- Work on micro tasks (easy short tasks) posted by employers

- Submit proofs as asked by employers to ensure quality work.

- Get paid for your time and efforts on acceptance of your work submission.

Using any of the ways you can gain profit! It's so simple, right?

Interested people can join our startup!

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58 shares, 50 points
We provide access to businesses and individuals to tons of on-demand virtual workforce. Complete easy-to-do tasks at an affordable cost and get paid in USD.
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