Are you ready to join DigitalWorkerBees? We just need the basic information from you to register on our platform.
Guide to Register Your Account #
You need to fill up all mandatory information for your account creation with the platform.
Step 1: Go to the official DigitalWorkerBees website.
Step 2: Click on the Sign-Up link at the bottom.
Once you landed on to Sign-up page, highlighted fields in the below image are mandatory to fill up.
- First Name: Your First Name as per your national identity card or national identity document.
- Last Name: Your Last Name as per your national identity card or national identity document.
- Nick Name: Your public username, which can be seen by others.
- Email Address: If you are using Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook mail, or any other mail service, you can use that email address in order to register yourself. If not you can Create an Account on Google or other mail services. We recommend you not to use Disposable Mail or Temporary Email Accounts. Temp Emails are so risky and your account might be banned.
- Password: A password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters. Please enter a strong password to make your account more secure. Do not add your password like, “Tom@123” (never recommended). For security purposes, we will encrypt your password and store it in our system for security purposes. It will be not visible to anyone.
- Country: Pick a country in which you currently reside. This information is required to capture user infographics and through automated data analysis we can provide you tasks targeted to your country.
Note that, we promise not to reveal any of your personal information (Your First name, Last name, and Email Address) to anybody else except our legal representation. There will never be a case when your first name or last name will appear publicly in any form whatsoever.
Consent Check #
Step 3: Also, check the checkbox after reading the given for DigitalWorkerBees’ Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy. This is the legal consent and agreement between you and DigitalWorkerBees that you read the policies and terms of use and agree to use this website without any objection.
Submit Information to Create an Account #
Step 4: Once all the mandatory fields are filled up, click on the “Sign up” button.
It will create an account for you, and you will get a verification link to the provided email.
You need to verify yourself within thirty (30) days; otherwise, your account will be removed from the platform.
Verifying Email #
Step 5: Follow the below steps to verify yourself, we don’t love bots on the platform, for authenticity we need to perform a manual email verification check.
- Open your registered email in your browser,
- Check your Inbox (We promise not to spam!),
- Open the email received from our platform,
- Click on the “click here” link to verify yourself.
It will take you to the verification page.
That’s all! You are ready to log in and start your journey with the micro-tasks platform.
If you are not redirecting correctly, Please contact us.